Marketing - It's a Limbic Thing
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Something old, something new

A couple of interesting entries from the blogosphere that deserve a mention in my "social learning diary".

Something old: 101 clichés of B2B marketing. This site has been online for a year now, and they show the 101 worst communication clichés a marketer can use. A terribly funny blog, it also serves as a valuable tool for creatives to measure the differentiation of their communication. It's useful for ad agency types but also for any marketing people who strive to make their message simpler, easier to understand, more attractive but above all recognizable from the mass.

Something new: Rohit Bhargava writes very perceptively about the end of mass broadcasting era. His post is about media convergence of the social media and broadcast television: the possible future role of television is to be a broadcaster specialized in live events, it has a potential point of integration with social media that revolves around real time interaction and collaboration. I agree with Rohit, this is an interesting possible trend that is worthy of further monitoring!


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