Marketing - It's a Limbic Thing
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Thoughts on branding

The bottomline of your brand should be about trust: earning and keeping it. Your customer trusts you to offer the best value to her money everytime she does business with you. Consistency - maintaining this trustworthiness - creates loyalty beyond reason as Kevin Roberts tells us.

Let's use my trusted brands as examples: Google, Nokia, Amazon, Battery energy drink, Marabou chocolate. Before making a buying and using decision that relate to web searches, mobile phones, music & literature etc. I always consider them first. In a world of stupendously numerous options my relationship with is defined by their primacy. And many, many times I settle for their offering as I trust it has the best value to my money.

Trust is illogical to its core. A purely logical being would always compare all possible offerings before making any decision. But trust makes buying and thus problem-solving easier. A trusted brand is the preferred one and the foundation of any long-term customer relationship.


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